Mariuca Nastasiu

Tipa cu Pantofii Galbeni

fiecare face cat il duce mintea…

Posted by on Mar 20, 2009

tot timpul m-am complacut situatiior penibile. mereu am inchis ochii si-am zis “hai, treaca de la mine”. si, bineinteles, in naivitatea mea crunta, am crezut ca toata lumea e asa. ei pe naiba. daca esti egoist si tii totul pentru tine, nu e bine. daca esti prea bun si imparti cu toata lumea tot ce ai, cedand uneori din portia ta, dar avand grija sa nu il nedreptatesti pe altul, iar nu-i bine. asadar, ca nu-i bine sa fii rau se subintelege, dar nu e bine nici sa fii bun. de ce? pentru ca se interpreteaza total anapoda gestul pe care tocmai l-ai facut…trebuie sa ai tu un scop ascuns pentru care ai procedat asa si nu asa. astepti tu ceva. nu? :-?

hm. eu, una, NU astept nimic. de cand ma stiu imi place sa ofer persoanelor din jurul meu cel mai marunt lucru care le-ar putea aduce o sclipire in ochi sau macar un zambet. asta fara sa astept macar un “multumesc”. cum am scris in mai multe randuri, incerc sa gasesc fericirea in lucrurile marunte pe care unii dintre voi poate nici nu le observati. oricat de grea ar fi o zi, oricat de trista as fi, in orice moment al zilei intalnesc ceva care ma face sa zambesc si poate sa alung macar pentru o secunda problemele: zambetul unui copil intalnit in parc, in drum spre casa, mersul leganat al unui catelus sau un e-mail de la prietenii de peste hotare, care stiu sigur ca nu m-au uitat; si chiar daca sunt la mii de kilometri departare, imi sunt mereu aproape, iar cuvintele si gandurile lor pozitive par sa vina atunci cand am mai mare nevoie de ele. de aceea imi iubesc prietenii. pentru ca ii simt alaturi de mine si cand ne desparte o lume, pentru ca indiferent de vremea de afara, de ora tarzie sau de programul incarcat, nu ezitam sa comunicam.
in zilele noastre, comunicare e totul. si exista mijloace de a comunica, slava Domnului! dar ce te faci cu aia de-s mai incuiati si nu ti-ar zice nici in ruptul capului ce-au pe suflet? eh, ei asteapta sa le citesti gandurile si eventual sa gasesti solutii problemelor lor. dar sigur iti sunt prieteni? mai gandeste-te o data.

dupa umila mea parere, un prieten este acea persoana care alege sa-ti fie alaturi la bine si la rau, din proprie initiativa, care te accepta cu bunele si relele tale, care te intelege atunci cand ai pitici pe creier si iti da una in freza cand faci o tampenie (doar de atentionare). e acel om pe care stii ca poti sa-l trezesti la miezul noptii sa-i zici ca ti s-a spart teava de la calorifer si l-ai ruga sa-ti mai aduca o patura, pentru ca e frig. si nu e instalatorul. e persoana care iti va fi alaturi atat timp cat niciunul dintre voi nu va permite altora sa-si bage codita si nu se va indoi de capacitatile celuilalt.
am multe cunostinte, dar nu multi prieteni, ci putini si extraordinari.
tu ai prieteni?
ce te-ai face fara ei?
ce ai fi fara ei?

de curand, my bff mi-a zis “fii tu fara grija, ca e cineva si pentru tine cu capul pe umeri, nu doar cu el drept.” :)) nimic mai adevarat. e o alta interpretare a ceea ce imi spune mama cand ma incurajeaza “ce e pentru tine, e pus deoparte!”. imbratisarile fratelui meu sau pupicii pe frunte de la tati fac pentru mine mai mult decat cele mai cunoscute brand-uri. f(r)azele care pe tine te fac sa zambesti acum, mie imi insenineaza viata. si sunt doar 4 exemple, 4 parti minuscule din 4 persoane pe care le iubesc numai-eu-stiu-cat-de-mult! ;)

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Love in the Asylum

Posted by on Mar 19, 2009

(Dylan Thomas)

A stranger has come
To share my room in the house not right in the head,
A girl mad as birds

Bolting the night of the door with her arm her plume.
Strait in the mazed bed
She deludes the heaven-proof house with entering clouds

Yet she deludes with walking the nightmarish room,
At large as the dead,
Or rides the imagined oceans of the male wards.

She has come possessed
Who admits the delusive light through the bouncing wall,
Possessed by the skies

She sleeps in the narrow trough yet she walks the dust
Yet raves at her will
On the madhouse boards worn thin by my walking tears.

And taken by light in her arms at long and dear last
I may without fail
Suffer the first vision that set fire to the stars.

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so confused…

Posted by on Mar 9, 2009

sunt zile in care ma simt foarte trista. fara motiv. zile in care nu-mi doresc nimic, nu pot gandi logic, nu ma pot concentra asupra unui singur lucru, nu vreau sa vad pe nimeni. zile in care nu mai gasesc fericirea in fiecare lucru marunt. si caut lamuriri. probabil e ceva in subconstient, care nu ma lasa sa imi gasesc o explicatie a starii mele generale. ar putea fi orice. si am totusi o dorinta. sa fiu tinuta in brate, sa nu simt decat pulsul, parfumul si imbratisarea…

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the greatest story ever…

Posted by on Feb 5, 2009

when the earth was still flat
and the clouds made of fire
and mountains stretched up to the sky
sometimes higher
folks roamed the earth
like big rolling kegs
they had two sets of arms
they had two sets of legs
they had two faces peering
out of one giant head
so they could watch all around them
as they talked while they read
and they never knew nothing of love
it was before…
the origin of love
the origin of love

now there were three sexes then
one that looked like two men
glued up back to back
called the children of the sun
and similar in shape and girth
were the children of the earth
they looked like
two girls rolled up in one
and the children of the moon
was like a fork shoved on a spoon
they were part sun, part earth
part daughter, part son

the origin of love

now the gods grew quite scared
of our strength and defiance
and Thor said,
“i’m gonna kill them all with my hammer,
like i killed the giants”
but Zeus said, “no-
you better let me
use my lightning like scissors
like i cut the legs off the whales
dinosaurs into lizards”
then he grabbed up some bolts
he let out a laugh
said, “i’ll split them right down the middle
gonna cut them right up in half”
and then storm clouds gathered above
into great balls of fire

and then fire shot down
from the sky in bolts
like shining blades of a knife
and it ripped right through the flesh
of the children of the sun and the moon and the earth
and some Indian god
sewed the up into a hole
pulled it round to our belly
to remind us of the price we pay
and Osiris and the gods of the Nile
gathered up a big storm
to blow a hurricane
to scatter us away
in a flood of wind and rain
a sea of tidal waves
to wash us all away
and if we don’t behave
they’ll cut us down again
and we’ll be hopping ’round on one foot
and looking through one eye

last time i saw you
we had just split in two
you were looking at me
i was looking at you
you had a way so familiar
but i could not recognize
’cause you had blood on your face
i had blood in my eyes
but i could swear by your expression
that the pain down in your soul
was the same as the one down in mine
that’s the pain
that cuts a straight line down through the heart
we call it love
we wrapped our arms around each other
tried to shove ourselves back together
we were making love
making love
it was a cold, dark evening
such a long time ago
when by the mighty hand of Jove
it was the sad story how we became
lonely two-legged creatures
it’s the story of the origin of love
that’s the origin of love

the origin of love
the origin of love
the origin of love

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“Filmul de Piatra”

Posted by on Jan 14, 2009

a fost aici, ne-a cucerit, ne-a parasit…prima editie a festivalului Filmul de Piatra a luat sfarsit! am avut bucuria, pentru 4 zile (7-11 ianuarie), de a face parte din “staff” si a da o mana de ajutor ingrijirii “noului nascut”. tata si mama? Andrei Dascalescu. si-a indeplinit visul si acum are cu ce se mandri, mai mult ca oricand! rolul sau nu a fost usor dar l-a dus la bun sfarsit in mod impecabil. festivalul a constat atat in proiectii de scurt-metraje participante la cele mai importante festivaluri din lume, selectii ale festivalurilor partenere din tara, cat si programe speciale dedicate participantilor.
in aceste zile am cunoscut oameni extraordinari alaturi de care am ras, am plans, am depus efort ca totul sa iasa perfect. desi am avut unele scapari, a fost un succes. toti au fost intampinati cu un zambet calduros si un “buna seara! bine ati venit!” din toata inima, indiferent ca erau organizatori, participanti in competitie sau oameni simpli, iubitori de frumos. publicul s-a aratat deschis problemelor de etica abordate in unele filme iar manifestarile de orice fel nu si-au gasit locul :P (ce bine! :) )
petrecerile s-au tinut si ele lant si au fost inca o sansa de a ne face noi prieteni sau de a-i reintalni pe unii vechi.
desi cel mai trist, finalul festivalului a fost cel mai frumos. difuzarea documentarului realizat de directorul si organizatorul festivalului Filmului de Piatra, Andrei Dascalescu, intitulat Constantin si Elena, castigator al premiului First Appearance la Festivalului International de Film Documentar de la Amsterdam, a adus nu doar zambete pe chipurile spectatorilor, prin scenele de umor, ci si lacrimi, pentru unii la amintirea celor pierduti, pentru altii doar la asemanarea izbitoare dintre personajele de pe pelicula si omologii din viata reala a fiecaruia.
doresc tuturor celor care au fost prezenti la festival, un drum incarcat cu “succesuri” :)) si sper sa ne revedem…
(multumesc Alina M. si Carmen, in mod special! :* :* )

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things to do…

Posted by on Jan 6, 2009

intr-o lume in care parca tot mai putini oameni zambesc, se pare ca sarbatorile de iarna reprezinta unul din putinele lucruri ce starnesc pofta de viata si caldura din suflete. poate sarbatorile sunt privite ca puntea de legatura a tuturor sentimentelor si intamplarilor petrecute timp de un an, incarcat fie pozitiv, fie negativ. aceasta perioada schimba ceva in inimile oamenilor si imprima in sufletele lor acea speranta din care izvoraste dorinta de a progresa ori de a-si reveni si de a trece, in acelasi timp, peste o perioada mai putin fasta.
unii isi manifesta optimismul prin intocmirea unor liste interminabile cu obiective bazate probabil mai mult pe speranta intr-un viitor mai bun decat pe fapte realiste. pentru ce toate planurile? pentru a realiza la finele anului, cand faci totalul, ca ai mai multe datorii decat te duce buzunarul? sau ca prietenii s-au dovedit intre timp a fi cu totul altcineva decat cine credeai?
e normal ca lumea sa se ghideze dupa anumite puncte si sa aiba anumite idealuri dar nu lipseste, oare, bucuria unei surprize atunci cand stii ca totul a fost gandit dinainte si a iesit asa cum ti-ai propus?
poate daca am renunta la planuri, am gasi bucuria de a exista, pur si simplu.
Sam Levinson a gasit o reteta pentru a ne face sa intelegem frumusetea si fericirea regasite in lucrurile marunte.

Time Tested Beauty Tips
Sam Levinson

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.

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sunny day

Posted by on Oct 18, 2008

mi-am innecat visele in lumina diminetii fara sa vreau. deschid fereastra si ma cert cu soarele pentru ca mi-a luat tot ce mai aveam. imi clatesc ochii cu un norisor ratacit, grabit sa ajunga din urma marele din care s-a rupt si ma imbrac linistita cu frunzele abia desprinse dintr-un stejar batran. pornesc pe drumul pavat cu zambetele copiilor, in speranta ca voi regasi visele ucise de zori si vor deveni realitate. dar s-au pierdut toate, spulberate de zgomotul ceasului desteptator. mai devreme sau mai tarziu, orice lucru cedeaza si atunci te intrebi de ce nu poti avea ceva pentru totdeauna, in starea initiala. cu fiecare clipa scursa, tot ce ne incojoara se metamorfozeaza si nu mai poti spune ca ai o portocala, cand ti-au ramas doar cojile. mi-am alungat pentru o vreme dorintele si sper ca toamna sa le acopere cu cea mai calduroasa patura, iarna sa nu mi le hrentuiasca iar primavara sa le infloreasca. dar vara? faca ce-o vrea!

am obosit…o toamna cade peste mine…

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Posted by on Sep 21, 2008

eu si mali

beibi and i

i hope someday, somebody wants to hold you for 20 minutes strictly and that`s all they do. they don`t pull away, they don`t look at your face, they don`t try to kiss you. all they do is wrap you up in their arms and hold you tight without an ounce of selfishness to it…

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summer just wasn`t my season…

Posted by on Aug 29, 2008


i`m too giddy to settle down. and maybe i`m too calm to do anything “fancy”. but i`m not perfect and i doubt anybody is. i accept everyone because i know we all have good and bad sides and i think it`s important to see the persons which surround you for what they really are, not for what others say they are.

i shrug every time someone asks me “how come you don`t have a boyfriend?”

well… maybe i`m too fastidious, maybe i didn`t find yet the “right guy” (if there is any) and maybe i`m waiting for my “charming prince riding a white horse”; it`s quite difficult to answer. ..

but until i find the answer (or the prince) which makes my heart strum, i`m trimming my days with blue, black and white flowers and ribbons, i`m dancing and spinning round with pathos and i`m looking up at the moon every night because he said so and he is looking, too… i know he likes the night, the moon, the stars

“and i feel i can make it in front of the crowd, cause these words are my diary, screamin` out loud and i know that you`ll use them however you want to…”

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