Mariuca Nastasiu

Tipa cu Pantofii Galbeni

scared of the moon…

Posted by on Nov 27, 2009

alone she lies waiting
surrounded by gloom
invated by shadows
painting the room
the light from the window
cuts trough the air
and pins the child lying there
scared of the moon

she pulls up the covers
and shivers in fright
she hides from the colour
that rides on the night
the light through the window
that lights up the sky
and causes her moanfull cry
scared of the moon

there`s nothing wrong
don`t be bothered they said
it`s just childish fantasies turning your head
no need to worry
it`s really too soon
but there she lies shivering
scared of the moon

scared of the moon…

the years go by swiftly
and soon childhood ends
but life is still fearful
when evening descends
the fear of a child
still intrude the night
returning on beams of light
scared of the moon

the feeling of terror
she felt as a youth
has turned from a fantasy
into the truth
the moon is the enemy
twisting her soul
and taking it’s fearful tone
scared of the moon

but now there are others who sit here alone
and wait for the sunlight to brighten their gloom
together they gather
the loners see shade
but knowing just why they`re scared
scared of the moon

scared of the moon…

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jungle`s heartbeat

Posted by on Nov 18, 2009

mi-am adunat in bagaje toate gandurile, bune si rele, visele si insomniile, rezervele de zambet si aer curat si am pornit inapoi spre bucuresti. cu ochii aproape lipiti de somn, am incercat sa rememorez in totalitate zilele petrecute acasa, nu doar pentru a umple cele 6 ore de drum, ci si pentru a zambi din nou cu acelasi avant. putini ma cunosc asa cum sunt intr-adevar. de ce? poate pentru ca multi iau de buna o fotografie pe marginea careia isi fac notite cam cum as putea fi eu. sau poate ca nu indraznesc niciodata sa imi adreseze vreo intrebare privitoare la persoana mea. sau, inca o varianta, problema e la mine: sunt (la prima vedere) un cub de gheata. raspunsul ar putea fi: cate putin din fiecare varianta de mai sus. nu dau exemple dar stiu cine mi-a creionat un portret care nu are nicio legatura cu realitatea. nici macar daca privesti din punct de vedere abstract. dar avem loc toti pe pamant. am simtit in ceafa si in obraz priviri curioase dar nu am auzit nimic. si da, am o problema de incredere si poate las impresia unui cub de gheata. oamenii se schimba de la o zi la alta, iar gusturile nu se discuta. in fond, viata merge inainte si noi cu ea sau pe langa. am avut zile de liniste dar m-a trezit brusc bataia unei inimi. nu…nu a unui el, pentru ca nici nu-l astept si nici nu-l caut. ci inima agitata a haosului…

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Mariuca Nastasiu